Inspite of all the flak 'Saawariya' has received, Ranbir Kapoor has become a darling with girls. Will this help him find strong footing in Bollywood? When we quizzed Bollywood's leading publicist Dale Bhagwagar about this, he had an interesting take on the situation.
"Ranbir is already on strong footing. Though he has made some mistakes and needs to immediately look into them. He's been grudging the fourth estate for being too critical of him. He should stop doing that," said the PR specialist.
He analyzed, "It is not Ranbir's fault that he was recklessly over-hyped. Expectations had zoomed putting extraordinary pressure on the debutant to deliver brilliantly. Ranbir has done a relatively good job in the film. He has also shown that he has the potential to become a big star."
"Instead of attacking the media (which will not serve any purpose), he should direct his energies towards expressing gratitude for the vast appreciation the masses have showered upon him.
His media strategies need solid revamp. Cause, right now, by messing with the media, he seems to be going the Salman Khan way."
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