Lara wins against GladragsLara Dutta has won the case against Gladrags and the fashion magazine has been directed not to use the model’s pictures on their hoardings.Apparently, Gladrags managing Editor, Maureen Wadia had used Lara’s posters on the Gladrags hoardings (along with John Abrahim’s and Dino Moreo’s snapshots) to promote the upcoming Supermodel Contest. Consequently, in the first week of March, Lara Dutta had filed a case in the Bombay High Court for infringement of copyright and for using her pictures without taking permission or informing her. Her case was fought by Advocate Rohini. The photos had been taken during a session in June 2003 and consequently given to a film magazine in January 2004.Janak Dwarkadas, counsel for Gladrags contended that they had purchased Dutta's photograph from a photographer who claimed that he had the license to use her photographs in any manner he wanted to and that there was an agreement between Dutta and the photographer. However, neither the photographer was made a party to the suit nor was the agreement produced before the court. While Gladrags has been retrained to use the photographs, the court is yet to pronounce a judgment on the compensation of 2 lakhs claimed by Lara Dutta. Lara, who technically is the brand ambassador of the company, is rumored to be upset because Gladrags has not promoted her after she won the Miss Universe title in 1995, and were still claiming credit for her success.
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