You would think he doesn’t need to go on a fitness drive anymore, bulging as he is with biceps and triceps. But John Abraham can’t have enough of fitness- and can’t seem to stop sending out those public awareness messages that gladden the health lobby. The brawny Bollywood hero, after playing the role of a nicotine- craving chain smoker speeding down the highway of doom in Anurag Kashyap’s ‘No Smoking’, has now signed up as the face of the Mumbai Marathon 2008, scheduled to be held in January. And he is not stopping at that- the easy rider has also got himself chosen as the brand ambassador for the English Premiere League, and is reportedly thrilled to be associated with a game he has played since childhood. And all this when memories of a leaf-clad John endorsing vegetarianism are still fresh in most minds. Way to go, John!
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