According to the man in the spotlight, actor Shah Rukh Khan, there will be some special people at the premiere including Emma Thompson and Laxmi Mittal. According to the actor, they are very dear friends of his and he will be extremely glad to get the opportunity to catch up with them as well. The idea to have a premiere in London according to SRK is to attract the global audience and not just the Indian diaspora.The other factor behind the London premiere was that the film’s distributors, Eros International are based out of London as well. SRK has fond memories of Leisceter Square as he had held the premiere of another of his home productions, Asoka also at the same venue in 2002. That too was a little before Diwali. Chak De also premiered in London. So in a way, London is a little special for SRK. Unpreturbed by the fact that Saawariya premiered last night in Mumbai, the Om Shanti Om team is going to go all out and celebrate the event.The red carpet before the screening will also be a great photo opportunity for the entire cast of the film, including Deepika Padukone, her parents Prakash and Ujjwala; Arjun Rampal, and of course, SRK himself walking the carpet with his special guests.
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