Monday, September 7, 2009

Katrina Is Now The Brand Ambassador Of "Olay"

The endorsement deals keep pouring in for this beautiful actress. Katrina Kaif is the chosen one to represent international cosmetic giant Olay’s Natural White cream in India. The company recently launched a white radiance range and signed Katrina as its brand ambassador.

Katrina Is Now The Brand Ambassador Of "Olay"

In a mean while, Kat is not hurrying to endorse every product, she is offered. She is now the most popular girl of B-town and undoubtedly the hot favourite for several brands, who are just too keen to sign her. The gorgeous actress says, “Be it a skin, hair or a jewellery product, I am very selective about the brands I endorse. I undertake extensive research on the company and try to ensure that the brand delivers on its promises made to the user of the product.”

Great Katz, you understand that with popularity comes the responsibility too.

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